Welcome to the Salzburg International Christian Church!
We are an ecumenical, international congregation of Christian believers. We welcome everyone who wishes to learn more about Jesus Christ and to join us in fellowship. Our church is part of the Protestant Church of Austria. We have roots in the Augsburg (Lutheran) and Helvetic (Reformed) traditions. Read more about who we are and about the history of our church.
We worship in English every Sunday at 11 am. There is also a Saturday evening prayer meeting at 7 pm. See our upcoming Church events for more details.
SICC is lead by a Pastor and a Council which is elected by the congregation.
Our church services are held in the Chapel of the Advent House, Franz-Josef-Straße 17, Salzburg. See directions.
As a church we are dependent upon the generosity of members and friends for our financial support. For more information see participation.